Acts of Kindness

One of the Sensalik's primary goals is to continuously make positive contributions to the society around us. We donate on average 10-15% of all our profits to a charitable cause on a quarterly basis.

Jul - Sep 2024: Children's Hospital (LHSC)

The Children's Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre is a children's hospital in London, Ontario, Canada that provides paediatric care for patients from the London metropolitan area and the rest of Southwestern Ontario.

Apr - Jun 2024: Gaza Humanitarian Relief

Sensalik has continued to donate to humanitarian relief efforts in Gaza.

Jan - Mar 2024: Gaza Humanitarian Relief

Considering the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, we have continued to donate to this cause in Q1 of 2024.

Oct - Dec 2023: Gaza Humanitarian Relief

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has created a humanitarian catastrophe for over 2 million Palestinians. Over 85% of Gaza Strip's population of 2.3 million people have been displaced, and 75% of all homes have been damaged or destroyed. Gazans are cut off from the basic necessities of life and have little to no access to safe drinking water, food, electricity, fuel, and medicine. Sensalik has donated over $5k this quarter to humanitarian relief efforts. 

Jul - Sep 2023: Morocco Earthquake Relief

On Sept 8, 2023, a strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit central Morocco resulting in thousands of casualties. This was the strongest earthquake the country had seen in almost a century. Damage was widespread and historic landmarks were destroyed. Sensalik donated 50% of all sales made between Sept 9 and 10 immediately after the earthquake to relief efforts, along with a portion of this quarter's overall profits.

Apr - Jun 2023: Relay for Life / Canadian Cancer Society

We participated in this year's Relay for Life campaign and contributed a portion of our proceeds for this quarter to the Canadian Cancer SocietyThe Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is a registered charity that supports Canadians with all cancers in communities across the country. They fund groundbreaking research, provide a support system for all those affected by cancer and shape healthy public policies to prevent cancer and support those living with the disease.

Jan - Mar 2023: Turkish Earthquake Relief

In the early morning hours of Feb 6, 2023, two large earthquakes hit southern Turkey and tens of thousands of people across Turkey and Syria lost their lives. Sensalik donated 100% of proceeds from Feb 7 to Feb 11 to earthquake relief efforts, which amounted to $1,860. We have also donated a portion of this quarter's overall profits to relief efforts.

Oct - Dec 2022: Canadian Food Bank

The pandemic has brought on many changes to our society and one of the things that has come out of it is an increase of Food Bank users. Since 2019, there has been a 35% increase in food bank users, of which are 33% children. We aim to positively impact our society through our business and have donated a portion of our profits for this quarter to the Canadian Food Bank